センター長の挨拶 Message from Director

藤田 保上智大学言語教育研究センターは、上智大学全体の語学教育の立案、実施の責任を負っています。言語教育研究センターでは、英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、イスパニア語、イタリア語、中国語、コリア語、ロシア語、ポルトガル語、日本語、その他のアジア・アフリカ諸語(インドネシア語、フィリピン語、アラビア語、タイ語、ペルシア語、カンボジア語、ビルマ語、2014年度より新たに加わったトルコ語、ベトナム語、ヒンディー語、スワヒリ語)及び哲学科開講のラテン語を含め、全22言語の授業を提供しています。


様々な外国語を学び、それを通して多くの文化や価値観に触れる機会を得ることは、今後のグローバル社会に生きる日本人として何よりも大切なことです。言語教育研究センターでは、そのような機会を、授業だけでなく、Language Learning Commons(LLC)における外国語コミュニケーショングループ、学習アドバイザー制度、ライティング・チューター制度、そしてe-learningなどを含めて、皆さんに提供しています。言語教育研究センターは、上智大学における、真のグローバル人材を育成するためのもっとも重要な役割を担っているのです。

言語教育研究センター長 藤田 保

Sophia University's Center for Language Education and Research (CLER) is responsible for developing and implementing language programs for the whole university. The Center provides courses mainly in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Portuguese, and Japanese (as a second language). It also offers courses in other languages (Indonesian, Tagalog, Arabic, Thai, Persian, Cambodian, Burmese, and from 2014 Turkish, Vietnamese, Hindi, and Swahili), as well as Latin, which is offered by the Department of Philosophy.

The world today is becoming more globalized every day with the result that multilingualism and multiculturalism is no longer the exception but the norm. The problems which we face in our present world can no longer be solved through conflict and confrontation, but only through discussion and negotiation. In order to perform such negotiations, there is no doubt that the ability to use English as a language for international communication is becoming ever more important. However, in order to negotiate at a deeper and more personal level, the ability to use the local languages is also essential.

In order to survive in this global society, it is essential for us to learn foreign languages and through them make use of the opportunities we have to know and understand the diverse cultures and values surrounding our lives. The Center for Language Education and Research provides these opportunities, not only through its curriculum, but also through the Language Learning Commons (LLC) which provides assistance in learning foreign languages through the Language Learning Support Sessions, Writing Tutorials, Academic Advisor System, as well as e-learning materials made available to all students. The Center for Language Education and Research plays an important part in the university’s goal to educate citizens for our ever-globalizing world.

Tamotsu Fujita
Center for Language Education and Research
