For students studying Japanese as a foreign language

We invite you to participate in the following programs to maximize your learning and develop your Japanese language proficiency and accuracy.

Japanese Language Learning Support Sessions


Our experienced Language Learning Supporters will help you with your Japanese language learning based on your needs and goals.

Lessons are in small groups focused on conversations, once (60 minutes) a week, 9 lessons in one semester. The same schedule (Day and Time) every week.

The teachers are called “supporters” and they are Sophia students who have basic knowledge of Japanese language pedagogy.

Application guidelines will be available on Loyola University bulletin board "Language courses. LLC" in early April/September.

Writing Tutorials(for Japanese academic writing)

Our experienced writing tutors will help you improve your writing skills. We will give guidance on writing accuracy and vocabulary usage. We also provide proof-reading service with your advisor's permission.

The service is available for Non-Native writers and the sessions are 60 minutes. Sophia University undergraduate and graduate students may apply. It does not matter what stage of composition you are at in your essay or report. We provide counseling even to those who have not yet begun their papers.

Application guidelines will be available on Loyola University bulletin board "Language courses. LLC".

Kanji Marathon(Basic Level)

“Kanji Marathon” is a supplementary kanji tutorial class specifically designed for students who wish to review, learn and improve their Kanji. The goal is to be able to read and write 500 BASIC kanji. Using "Basic Kanji Book Vol.1 & Vol.2 (Bonjinsha, 2015), you will work individually, from lesson 1 to 45. You will take quizzes on each lesson, and may try some practice works, at your own pace.

The tutorial is 90 minutes session per week, 9 sessions in a semester. 40 students (max.) will run together. It is conducted independently from the regular academic courses at Sophia University. Therefore, you will NOT be given credit.

Service is free, available for Degree/Exchange/Non-degree students who are enrolled in Sophia. You can apply from Loyola Questionnaire / Application page.

References and DVDs

Books related to Japanese language learning are available at LLC. You can borrow the books with your students ID card for two weeks.

DVDs are available for language studying purposes. You may watch DVDs anytime in the private lesson rooms during LLC open hours. Please present your student ID card and receive a portable DVD player and headsets at the reception.

Language Exchange

Center for Language Education and Research (CLER) will be holding lunch time event where students can enjoy having a conversation in Japanese and languages listed below. We believe that this will be a perfect opportunity for students to become acquainted with students with different backgrounds!

Schedule for 2024 Autumn semester will be announced on Loyola bulletin board.

Languages :
German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese
Language Learning Commons(LLC)Building 6, 1st Floor
How to join:
Application guidelince will be available on Loyola University bulletin board "Lauguage Courses.LLC" This event is for Degree/Exchange/Non-degree/Research students
As a rule, English must not be used. You can have a good conversation in Japanese or in one of the foreign languages shown as above.
